Angela Vincent


Angela is a soul guide disguised in many forms. She has spent her life following the golden threads of mystery, swimming in alpine lakes and wild rivers, bathing like a lizard on hot rocks, and above all being awed by the beauty and irony of the world.  She brings the gifts of humor, wildness, love, and deep witnessing to others’ unique unfoldings. Through her many experiences of deep connection to the soul of the Earth, she has formed a deep commitment to helping others remember their innate belonging and purpose.

She has studied with The School of Lost Borders, The Animas Valley Institute, and Martin Prechtel's "school," Bolad's Kitchen. Her formal education includes a Bachelor's degree in Secondary Education and a Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy.

We're excited to welcome Angela to the BTE family this year. She is a certified Wilderness First Responder.

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Angela Vincent

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